Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.
(Princess Diana)
It was back in summer 2015, when I read an email from a colleague, which got my attention. Addressed to all employees, she was asking for a donation for her small nephew, who was born prematurely and who needs a permanent care. I felt touched by the story of the little Lukáš and decided to do the smallest things I could do – donate. I wasn’t alone, many colleagues demonstrated that they are not careless to their environment and a nice amount of money was collected, which helped to pay for a rehabilitation for Lukáš. It was just the beginning.
It was around the time, where I have been symbolically donating to different organizations already, but I wanted to focus on something more long-term, on something, where my contribution would make more sense and would help to expose a perspective for future. With a help of the colleague I agreed with Lukáš parents on regular donations. Now the time has come to tell his story to you.
These days I have started to collect kilometers at New Zealand. After few specific foreign projects and after I split the Australian kilometers among them too, I decided to dedicate the New Zealand project for Lukáš. I would like to tell you more about this little boy’s story and ask, if you find it relevant, to contribute as well.
Lukášek Križko was born as an extreme premature child with a weight of 676 grams. The prognosis didn’t look good, however Luky fought for his place here and he was successful. Nowadays he is almost 12-years old, his health status with a combined disability requires a permanent care of another person. Due to his cerebral palsy he can’t walk and is fully reliable on a wheelchair. He is sightless in full, has epilepsy and a heavy Cephalonia too. Since he was a small kid, he went for rehabilitations, first through the Vojta therapy, basal stimulation and different form of massages. Now it is almost four years that we started to use the services of the Complex Therapy center in Zlín, specifically the kinetic therapy TheraSuit. With help of a specific suit and elastic band the body and muscles are moved into a more precise position and after this the exercise follows, focused on different body parts. This method is for Lukáš very exhausting, but the results are visible. He is more stable, has a better body position, breathing… with small steps we make progress. This method is not covered by any of the health insurance providers in Czech Republic so we are sponsoring it partially from our own and partially from different donations, which we are very thankful for. One hour of such therapy costs 950 CZK (37 EUR). We are very thankful to all for their interest into Lukáško.
With regards, Lea Bartošová Križková, mother
A permanent support of another person. Expensive therapy, which is not supported by any of the insurance companies. A family of five members. Parents, who decided to not give up and fight with the situation. Because at the moment you decide to give up in life, it’s over.
Every help is welcomed, every help means change! You can contribute and help Lukáško too. In Czech Republic there is a transparent bank account established, where all the transaction are public:
Account number: 2100664719 / 2010
Account owner: Bartošová Križková, Lea
Account title: Bartošová Križková, Lea
Here is the link with all the transactions:
(Please don’t forget to mention “Runeller” in the comments)
If you would like to stay anonymous, you can contribute to my Czech account and I will forward your donation to the account mentioned above:
If you are donating from abroad, you can do so with sending money to my Slovakian bank account in EUR, I will forward your donation to the account mentioned above:
In the name of Lukáš and his family, I thank you in advance for every donation of yours, which will make the life of this boy easier!